We need to talk. About serious things, theological things, and leadership things. About our bodies and our health. About poetry and literature and death. About our world and all the wonder and complexity it holds. And about God. And so we’re going to talk about it, together, as people of Christian faith, in our podcast and video series: GEORGE FOX TALKS.

From our own scholars and mentors at George Fox, we bring you a sampling of university conversation – smart, faithful perspectives that may push you to think more broadly, deeply and critically. In a world full of paradox and polarization, we all must amplify the need to think for ourselves and be shaped by others, leaning ever toward Christ as our guide.

Podcast on Apple, Spotify, Amazon, Google, here on the Transistor site, or wherever you do your streaming.

Our website: https://georgefox.edu/talks

Full episodes and clips on YouTube: https://bit.ly/3kfmU76

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Is Fighting Racism The New Racism in 2025?

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Should Singles Ask God for a Spouse?

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WHAT is the REAL Reason we are here on Earth?

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What's REALLY Behind the Homelessness Crisis in America?

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