CULTURE | Consent is not Enough

Abigail Favale talks with Christine Emba about sex culture.
In this episode, Abigail Favale talks with author and Washington Post columnist Christine Emba about sex culture in modern times. The sexual liberation movement drastically changed the landscape of sexual norms and engagement; what are the tangible outcomes of that change? What kind of correlation can be drawn between high rates of pornography addiction and dysfunctional sex culture? How can we think about sex in a way that honors one another and is healthy for our culture?

Christine Emba writes for The Washington Post's Opinions section. She is the author of Rethinking Sex: A Provocation. Before joining The Post in 2015, Christine was the Hilton Kramer Fellow in Criticism at the New Criterion and a deputy editor at the Economist Intelligence Unit, focusing on technology and innovation. She grew up in Virginia and holds an A.B. in public and international affairs from Princeton University.

Dr. Abigail Favale completed her doctorate at the University of St. Andrews in Scotland, where she was a recipient of the competitive Overseas Research Award. In 2011, her dissertation was granted the Samuel Rutherford Prize for the most distinguished thesis in English literature.

To connect with Dr. Favale's work, visit her website.

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